Sunday 5 February 2012

What I am Reading

What Would Buddha Do At Work? by Franz Metcalf and BJ Gallagher Hateley  is the book I am reading  presently.

The book is a hand book for all those who work as it provides ways,practical ways that will surely help you at your workplace whether you are an employee or employer.

It shows us through the philosophies of The Buddha, how we can deal with work place problems.It gives an insight about good leadership,team work,dealing with co-workers,subordinates and bosses and it provides illustrations for each philosophy.

What caught my attention is how the authors have also weaved in the words of wisdom from the Dhammapada, Dalai Lama,Bodhicharyavatara and other sources as a foreword before each topic touched upon.It is an interesting read.

I liked the line in the foreword by the author which said-'The Buddha did not tell people to worship him;he invited people to follow his example and pursue enlightenment.He pointed to the path, but he was not the path.In fact,he was concerned when people wanted to worship him ,because it is easier for people to worship him than follow him'. Lovely words,those!

I would also like to read What Would Buddha Do? by Franz Metcalf.The book is about the philosophies of The Buddha to be used in our day-to-day life.I read a review about this book and it impressed me.

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