Friday 17 February 2012

Maximum City,Minimum Votes!

Election time again and once more it was pathetic to see that there was a dismal voter turnout. In spite of all the Jago Re and Each Vote Counts advertisements, there were no voters Mumbai could boast of. The voting percent was a lowly 46 percent and at Thane it was 52 percent.The so-called upper crust of South Mumbai too had a super low voter turnout of 34 percent only.There was a nice line in the newspaper that caught my eye-'The South Mumbai residents are good at lighting candles but not good at coming out and voting.'

Why this apathy towards voting?Many say that they are disillusioned by the corruption among the politicians and the many parties and each party is worse than the other.they do not expect things to be any better than what it was earlier so as a mark of protest they have not turned out to vote.Too bad! It is these very people who have enjoyed an extended weekend holiday who will crib about the conditions present in the city later on.Excuses are many,when are they going to take action?

We are the ones who can bring the change we want to see in the system and it is we who are not taking any steps towards it.Later on ,we just blame the system.We make the system!!

I did my bit and cast my vote at the voting center near my hardly took a few minutes because there were not many voters there.Last month there was a Malvani festival in that same location, it was there for three days and it was very crowded on all those days.They were all residents of Mulund too..Where were they on the day of voting?Just been to the Kala Ghoda Festival last week It was on for about a week and there were crowds there.These so-called upper crust people came out in large numbers to see that festival but failed to turn up when it mattered most.They stayed at home while those from the slums of Mumbai came out to vote.

When the 54 percent of Mumbaikars were enjoying a holiday, the fate of Mumbai was being written in the polling booths.What right do they have to complain about the system now?
Just a few votes make all the difference.
Shame !For all those who did not cast their votes,Shame!

1 comment:

  1. Well said, and indeed a shame at people who couldn't spend about 30 minutes to exercise their vote :( That is the reason we get bad politicians term after term... majority of the people who vote are ones who are easily influenced by the politicians with money, goodies, power etc... sad state!
