Tuesday 7 February 2012

Rumours or Facts?

Please read the complete post.Do not read half-way and come to the wrong conclusions.

Another day at school.Today there was a lot of talk about a gang of tribals who allegedly attacked people during the late hours. They went to their homes and robbed them and raped their women.Since last week, this is about the 12th time I have heard of this.This gang is called the chaddi-baniyan or the monkey gang.They come with grease applied all over their body and wear masks.A few actually think they have springs in their feet as they are very agile and jump about and vanish in no time!There have been many people making groups and patrolling the streets and their local areas in the hope of protecting their locality.This is only hear-say and I personally do not believe it is true.

I have not read any of this in any of the three newspapers I have read. I think if all this was actually happening, it would have been in the papers by now.Some are of the opinion that this is just a ploy to gain attention as the elections are approaching.Some leaders can resort to the lowliest of tactics to gain attention of the public.According to me it is very unlikely that these stories are facts.

This news has succeeded in instilling fear in the minds of people.Many believe it to be true though I am sure they have no proof that it has happened.The news has travelled far and wide and is still spreading like wild fire.

The only reason I brought this up is to make people realize that news such as this is harmful and can cause untold problems in the society.There may be some people with ulterior motives spreading such rumours.As vigilant citizens, we should know that we should not have a hand in spreading them.If something like this is really true,the police would have been alerted by now.As educated individuals we have to learn to question what we hear and believe in facts alone.Of course ,that is easier said than done. When someone relates a story like this ,human tendency is to believe it without any questions asked.We listen with bated breath and actually start believing it.Then we relate it to another with some added masala.Thus, the news spreads far and wide.

Let us not be a part of the rumour-mongers.I too learnt it the hard way.When I heard of the news today I too related what I had heard about this gang earlier from some other sources though I had no reason to believe that they were true facts. So in a way I was strengthening the rumour without any desire to do so. I have smartened up now - better late than never I say!

Similar situations can happen anywhere.This time the rumour is being spread in the areas around Mulund,Thane and Bhandup.Your  area may be next.

Be alert,do not spread rumours.

1 comment:

  1. Sunit Pacchi..such situations are a pity to the society in my view!!Rther than focusing on important issues of the country, people are still stuck on such trivial issues!Its time we all enhance our vision and try to see further than such petty things!!As for whether its a rumor or reality, I have no comments! But I agree to you that if this would have any truth in it, the media wud have bought it out!We all know how the media is in our country!!!:o))
