Friday 3 February 2012

Mind Your Language

Being with young kids most of my waking hours,I have seen kids how kids behave,how they react to certain situations and what makes them excited or what irritates them.As years pass I have seen a drastic change in the way they react to certain situations .Earlier they had reserved reactions to things around them.They were more patient and not very vocal nor physically charged all the time.

The scenario has changed and I am saddened to see how the little ones behave.The children have become very impatient and demanding.There has been a noticeable increase in the destructive and abusive tendencies in children.Language used by them has turned from bad to worse.they use cuss words and derogatory terms without any qualms.When I hear the language used I wonder if they actually even know the meaning of the terms they use.It is not just what they say but even how they say it.A majority of them have forgotten how to be polite and soft-spoken.Loud and uncouth language is the order of the day.What is worse is that little ones as young as those in the Fourth grade are using filthy language.In my previous school I was flabbergasted when a Second grade student complained that another student was showing him his middle finger!

Even in a reputed school like mine we have children using filthy language,misusing school property,bullying,hitting and abusing each other.There is a pent up anger visible in some children .There is lack of patience and an open distaste for authority of any kind.

The reasons for this may stem from the violence and language used in the films and television.Maybe abusive language is used at home or in the immediate environment of the child.The children,at this impressionable age are prone to be influenced by what they hear or see unaware of it's consequences.

As responsible parents and teachers the onus lies with us. We have to make a sincere effort to see that children do not use foul language and refrain from destructive behaviour.For that we should lead by example.Stop using derogatory language and inculcate the right values in the child.Once their values are in place it will be difficult for them to be influenced.

Charity begins at home.Starting today resolve never to use foul language come what may.

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