Tuesday 21 February 2012

Count Your Blessings...........

I had to attend a family function and I was dreading it because I had a really bad hair day .My hair was a mess due to the shoddy work at the parlour.Maybe, it was my fault too as I was not sure whether hair colour or henna would suit me better.Anyway,the damage was done.I gathered the courage and faced everyone.Though they were too polite to blurt it out, I am sure they had a look at my hair and were wondering about why I decided to get my hair coloured like that.Maybe they were making fun of me behind my back too.

Cut to another day at the market where I was out shopping with my sisters.I chanced to see a young ,thin girl riding pillion on a two-wheeler.What caught my attention was that the girl had a nearly bald head.She had extremely scant hair growth.I assume she had the dreaded disease,cancer.It made me think about how I worried about my hair.What about that young girl who was just out of her teens?What about those thousands of little kids and adults who fight cancer?Do they worry about their hair when they are fighting for their very existence?And what about those women who fight against breast cancer?How do they take it when they know that they have to remove one or both their breasts due to the disease?What about the thousands of patients who are fighting some disease or the other?

We are so particular about how we look .We dread it if we have pimples,scars and bad hair days.Some may even feel out of place with the clothes they wear seeing others in more expensive and chic attire.We wish we have a bigger house,a better car and the latest gadgets.We want to look better,have better clothes and have all the best things.We always crave for more and never seem to be happy with what we have.

We fail to see how blessed we are to be healthy.How blessed we are to have our family and friends with us.How blessed we are just to have eyes to see the world around us,ears to hear the sounds around us,the gift of speech and most importantly good health.We fail to see that there are so many thousands who are less fortunate than us.

Here we are are cribbing about our bad hair when somewhere else someone is losing hair to cancer,here we are wishing for better sun-glasses when there are so many sightless persons who have not seen the world they live in,here we are being fussy about our food when there are so many who sleep hungry due to lack of food.............I remember the line- 'I cried for a pair of shoes until  I saw a man without feet.'

The next time you crib about something first count your blessings............

Count your blessings,name them one by one,
Count your blessings see what God has done.
Count your blessings ,name them one by one,
Count your many blessings see what God has done.

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