Saturday 4 February 2012

Beware of Born Critics!

I just began blogging last month and I am glad I did.
Writing is a healer. It makes me feel free.I have a sense of satisfaction to see my thoughts in front of me and I can revert to them whenever I want.

I met a person who cornered me yesterday and wanted me to know what he/she(let's call him /her Born Critic) thought about my recent blogs. As a new blogger,I was all ears.I am always eager to know what another person feels about what I pen down.I am open to constructive criticism and of course,appreciation too, is welcome.Nobody is perfect and we all learn through our mistakes.

What I got from Born Critic was just that-Criticism.
According to Born Critic (BC) my blogs had the following flaws:

  • The blogs are not helpful to the readers.They do not learn anything from them.
  • The topics chosen are only pertaining to my interests and are not inclusive of what the reader would like to read.
  • The language used does not reflect my skill in writing
To be fair BC also appreciated  the fact that I wrote so many blogs in just a few days and the page layout(which incidently, is not my handiwork as I just selected a template from the ones provided by the site.)

I did not provide any explanation in support of my blogs as I realized, after some prodding, that BC had not read all my blogs and had just browsed through the the labels and made his/her assumptions.I was amazed to know that one could see so many flaws even without reading the blogs posted!A miracle of sorts ,I must say!

I know for a fact that BC will not be reading this but yet I want to say this:
  • The blogs I write are not written to help someone out there who reads them.For that they can read some self help books or go to some so-called gurus or healers.I write to express my thoughts,my feeling and share them with my readers .
  • I choose to write what I want to.I am not bound by contract to write what others want or expect me to write.So what I write is solely my personal choice.
  • I am not writing to display my literary skills.I go with the flow and write what comes to mind.I am not restricting myself in the choice of words or level of language used to express myself.
The Born Critic will not be reading this for sure but I just wanted to write down my views.There are many Born Critics out there who are just waiting to say something negative when anyone tries something new.At times we fail to see our own potential and believe them.
Constructive criticism that makes a person change for the better is one thing and criticism just for the sake of criticism is another.We have to learn how to differentiate between these two.If not, we will never learn to accept any challenging situations and never grow as a person.

Believe in your potential and do not let such Born Critics make you stop before you have even begun.They can only see the negatives even in something positive.

Please do not take this as a self help tip.These are just my thoughts on the topic which I have written by personal choice.I am  not sorry for the simple language as this is how I chose to write.

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