Sunday 5 February 2012

Cooking Tales

I am a self proclaimed foodie.I love to eat good food.

I have always been a fan of 'Maa ke haath ka khana' and all my sisters have inherited her skills of cooking.I am not surprised to know that I have not got the same skills.As a kid all I ever did was play,play and play some more or read,read and read some more.These pursuits gave little time to hone my cooking skills.

Thankfully though,I have managed to learn enough of cooking to feed myself and my small family.I am not a bad cook per se but I do not enjoy cooking as much.Funnily though,I love to watch all the cooking programmes televised like Masterchef Australia and the Indian Masterchef, Top Chef series, Floyd's India,Highway On My Plate......and so on.There is something that clicks when I see the manner in which the master chefs cut,saute,grill,bake and plate up their marvelous food on the screen.I love to read cook books and I do try some recipes that interest me. If wishes were horses,even I would have been a wonder cook.

Keeping my limited cooking skills in mind, I enjoy eating what others prepare.I enjoy eating out and trying out different kinds of food.I relish food prepared by my mom(but naturally,she is the best!) and  my sisters. I am eagerly waiting to taste food prepared by my gourmand cousin , Ajoy and my  cook-book writer friend and chef, Michael Swamy.

Please do not get me wrong.Though I say all this, I am not a bad cook at all.My daughter and hubby will vouch for that.I am a good ,if not great cook but I have set high standards for myself so I do not rate myself too highly.

So next time you are invited for lunch or dinner at my place you need not say your prayers or curse your stars because there will be a good,delicious spread for you.

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