Sunday 5 February 2012

A Lazy Sunday

How I love a Lazy Sunday!

That feeling when you can get up late in the morning and have nothing to do after you awake,that is really something!You have just brushed and someone offers you a sumptuous breakfast.After that you relax with your Sunday newspaper and have a cup of tea.Then a lazy bath after which you have lunch you have not slogged over.

Then after watching some select television shows it is time to have a nap.After that a walk at the local park and after that a movie or an outing with friends.Return back late and have a grand dinner served for you.Then it is back to sweet dreams after some more television and a few hours on the computer.

I just cannot remember when I had a Sunday like that because I never did,.I am just imagining things.

If wishes were horses.............sigh!

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