Thursday 21 June 2012

Volume Kam Kar!!!!!!!!!!!

These days everyone carries a cell phone,be it the college student,housewife,executive,bus-driver,vegetable vendor or the fish-monger.I am not against the use of the cell phones as they do prove to be quite useful at times.What irks me no end is how these cell phones are misused and are a pain at times.

Imagine being at a crowded railway station (if you have been at the station during peak hours you will know what I mean) and having people walking at a snails pace as they are busy concentrating on their conversations with their cell-pals.It is a pain just waiting for them to move forward so that the rest can .At times they just freeze and continue their oh-so-important conversations causing a minor people-jam.(yes,I know that term does not exist)

During a ride in a public bus or a train it is a given that there will be at least one or two so-called music buffs who will play the music on the cell-phones loud enough for all of us to hear.Last time when I heard the music being played aloud in the train I asked the girl in question,a young college student,to use her head-phone to hear it instead of disturbing the whole compartment and she had the nerve to tell me that since no one else was complaining she would continue.After my rant about it being a public place and insisting on doing otherwise she gave in.

The same happened on my way to Ratnagiri by bus.A middle-aged man was playing music full blast and what's worse,he was singing along!!!I requested him to use his ear-phones or switch off the music and he looked at me as if I had requested him to do something obscene!!!!He could not digest the fact  that someone was actually telling him to do that.

What can I say about the other cell-phone horrors.There are those who scream so loudly on the phone that even those who are miles away can hear and are party to their private lives.So we can hear cuss words,lovey-dovey talk,politics,gossip,recipes and the like being shared with us unintentionally.This happens at the temples and cinema houses too.Here we are, busy having a one to one talk with the Almighty and we can hear someone sharing his tales......or we are in the middle of an emotional scene at the theatre and suddenly there is someone having a loud conversation on his cell-phone.

Then there are those irritating ring-tones that crop up everywhere-at the malls,cinema-houses,temples,schools and clinics.You are at the bus stop and there you hear it loud and clear..........My name is Sheila,Sheila ki jawaani......or you are at school and a parents cell-phone sings-Dhinka-chika-dhinka-chika!!!!

People have no cell phone etiquette at all .I wish each and every cell-phone came with a cell phone etiquette booklet just as they come with a user manual.But then,on second thoughts,who would read them anyway.It is high time we put our foot down and raise our voice to those who play loud music or keep their conversations on at places where they are not supposed to.let us give our best dirty looks to those whose cell-phone rings at the theatre,temple,school,college,conference or hospital.

It may be a small beginning but something should be done about this cell-phone menace.
What do you think???

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