Monday 30 September 2013

Live......Do Not Just Exist!

All of us have, but one is the life we are living right now.For all who talk about life after death and previous life,I can only say that what was in the past we cannot re-construct and what is our future (after death) we cannot foresee.So,basically,what matters is NOW!!!!

We are the creators of our own destiny.The time spent on the face of the earth cannot be got back.We have to learn to live life sans regrets.Life comes with no pause,rewind or fast forward button.All it has is the start and the stop button so whatever action we take day in and day out has an effect on our life.Why not make the most of this wonderful life of ours then?Why not learn to really LIVE life instead of just existing because even animals exist on this earth and we, humans are supposedly the higher animals.

Some may ask, "Wonderful life? What's so wonderful about this life?" For those I can only say that there are so many on the face of this earth who have problems /challenges much more than the ones we bear.Each one has to bear his own cross so why not try to do just that without cribbing and losing hope?Even as I write this I can recollect the many occasions when yours truly has felt dejected and worthless but then that is life! It has its ups and downs.There have been times when we feel that nothing right is happening in our lives but that is when we have to show our mettle and surge forward with renewed vigour and positive attitude.

Discipline and Education can take us far in this regard.Even introspection plays a major role in understanding our strengths and drawbacks so that we can improve each day.When the letters of the word 'Education' are rearranged it forms 'Action Due' How apt!!There are so many around us who know so many things but do not act upon their knowledge.

During my teacher-training we learnt many definitions of education as defined by renowned educationalists but the one that stayed with me was- 'Education is not merely knowing what we do not know, Education is behaving how we do not behave'.

We know so many things but are we actually using what we know for the betterment of society at large?
When there is any issue are we standing for what is right or are we sitting on the fence and/or joining the majority?
Do we actually think or are we just following the herd mentality?
Are our actions being directed by what is the right thing to do or are we just following the actions of others blindly?
Do we dare to oppose anything that we know is wrong or do we cow down in fear and remain mute spectators fearing a backlash?
Do we ever question ourselves to find out whether what we are doing is right or wrong?
Are we really making a difference to society with our actions?
Are we really living or just existing??
Only we can answer these questions truthfully without bias.
But then again,are we really ready to answer them?
Do we care enough to do that??
Do we??

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