Tuesday 27 March 2012

Talking Pictures

There is an old Chinese saying- 'A picture is worth a thousand words.' 

I remembered this quote when one of my colleagues at school brought some old photographs of herself and her family.She was getting nostalgic on showing us the photographs and I could actually see her get lost in her past memories. This was when I went with my parents on so and so trip , this was when my daughter was just born , this was taken at my first school.........and so on she reminisced .

On further prodding , she revealed that she had taken these photographs from an old long forgotten bag that had not been opened for years . She was glad she did now as a flood of memories came flashing back.

In fact , then and there we decided to have a 'Picture Day' wherein each one of us would bring a few pictures from our albums and have a nice time talking about them.Just for laughs , we also decided upon the criteria for the pics.We will all be getting a childhood picture,a picture of our school days,a picture in a sexy pose and one in which we look really funny.What fun it will be to go through the yesteryears of our colleagues! What a way to bond!

I am constantly in touch with my memories.I sit with all the photo albums I have before me and leaf through each one of them with my daughter for company.It is a great feeling to revive all the wonderful moments we have spent together with family and friends.It is interesting and funny to see how things have changed over the years.

It is sad that during those days it was not so common to click photographs , so there are hardly any photographs of my childhood days and maybe that's why my childhood memories are just a blur.My daughter is lucky to have her life unfold before her in pictures as we have so many pictures of her, right from her birth to this day.

Really,these photographs talk.They tell us so much about those glorious moments that have gone by.In fact, this is exactly what made me so fond of photography in the first place-the thrill of seeing these pictures and reliving the moments that can be cherished forever.

As it is said in the song  ,' बातें भूल जाती है,यादें याद आती हैं.'

Truly , pictures really do talk and how!!!!!

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