Saturday 3 March 2012

Me Time!

Each day in our life is chock-a-block with the 'To Do' things.There is so much to do in the given hours that we find ourselves stretching ourselves to the maximum to get thing done as planned.But then ,at times,everything does not go as per our plan and we feel the frustration seeping in, making us miserable.

We have high expectations and are overly enthusiastic about what we can achieve and in the bargain we fail to enjoy the little moments that make life.At times things do go as per plan but in the bargain we have lost touch with ourselves and our loved ones.

Life is not all about setting goals and achieving them .What is important is living life with minimum of stress in spite of all the stressful situations............makes any sense???

In spite of all the to do lists we have , we must make it a point to dedicate some time for ourselves.keep some minutes of the day aside for 'Me Time'.Make this time specially for you. Do the things you have always wanted to do,something that makes you happy and brings a smile on your face.It may be anything from reading a storybook,watching a cartoon,painting your nails,writing a blog,having a body massage or just lying on your back ,day-dreaming and lazing around without a care.

This Me Time can also be complemented with We Time where you can enjoy and share a few moments with your family.With all the busy jam-packed schedules of parents and kids alike, it is a must.

It is important for you to take this breather in the race of life.This will rejuvenate like nothing else can.So,take it easy and make life's moments count , for you and for those around you.
Take a walk, meet up with friends,dance or sing what makes you happy.
Happiness is also contagious, like laughter.

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