Wednesday 7 March 2012

Special Sound Effects.

I thought about writing on this particular topic last week but then I did a rethink as the topic has always  been a taboo.This morning I read an article about it in the Mumbai Mirror today and thought , why not?

So here goes..........

It is a natural phenomenon.We all have done it at some time or the other though we may deny it.Why do we shy away from accepting it then?

I am talking about farting or flatulence.When we hear the perpetrator making those special sound effects,we try to find the guilty one and give strange looks of disapproval."How could he do that!" we seem to say wordlessly.

"Was it in his hands?" I plead to know.Is it possible to curb the on-coming fart ? Even if it is possible to curb it at times,  though with much difficulty, I am sure we all have been guilty of farting at some time or the other.

An upset stomach or too much of flatulence-inducing food may be the cause of our woes.This natural calamity can strike at any time, be it a meeting at the office,get-together of friends or a family function.The consequences are more or less the same.

The victim does his very best to prevent it but sometimes things go beyond his control and he/she farts.We always undermine the sound made in this method.We assume it is too soft for anyone anyone else to hear,but we are mistaken there. We hear it loud and clear and so do the others. The perpetrator  acts as if he is trying to find out who did it and looks around for the source of the sound effect.

Some times the sound is muted but yet the guilty one is embarrassed  as hell as HE knows and he thinks the others have heard it too!

It is quite a difficult task to control an urge to fart.But yet each of us must have tried to do that to avoid embarrassing situations.such a minor matter but something of grave concern.

There was an article about a book release .The name of the book was Padduram.It was a book about the protagonist , a little boy who farted all the time.I do not know the other details, but at the press conference there was a person who came up on the dais and expressed that he felt it was not wrong to fart as it is not under our control.Wonder how that book will be.

That book release inspired me to write my thoughts about this

After writing all this I am wondering ,"Did I actually write this?"
But then,we all have farted some time or the other so why shy away from the truth?

Can you think of your own tryst with this malady called farting?

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