Sunday 26 February 2012

What An Eyesore!

 I see them everywhere.Those huge,ugly and lifeless hoardings.There are all over the city.They block the view of the pedestrians and motorists.They are the cause of many accidents.They are there for every occasion.You see them before elections to plead before the voters,they are there after elections to boast that they have won,they are there to wish their party leaders on their birthdays,party leaders use them to wish their wards during festivals,they are put up to showcase their 'good' work, they inform us about religious discourses by holy souls, marathons,discounts and sales............and the list goes on.

These hoardings are mostly illegal as they are put up without the necessary permissions.They come up overnight.Once they are there be sure that they will remain there for long..............until another one comes up there to take it's place.They are an eyesore and make the city look like an advertisement brochure.We are already having a hard time with the vehicles , population, slums, highrises etc to have these hoardings too asking a share in the space available.

To make matters worse these hoardings are mostly made of flex which is non-biodegradable and will last for years harming the environment which is already deteriorating.From where do you think they get the money to put these hoardings up??Just imagine, if they had to use the money spent on these very hoarding to do something for the city, they could have done so much!Sheer waste of money I say!

Isn't there supposed to be some time limit for the display of these hoardings?Even in the month of February I can see New Year wishes,Diwali greetings from a party leader,wishes for birthdays..........and believe it or not I have also seen a flex congratulating two pet dogs of a political leader on their birthdays!When I saw it at first I thought it was some kind of a joke.

The joke is actually on us.We have to live with these horrendous hoardings.The government has started taking some steps to remove these hoardings.Until they do their job and remove the hoardings, we have to bear with the pictures of the smiling politicians and their dogs staring at us from them.

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