Wednesday 5 May 2021

Ustad Hotel

 Endearing movie about what we plan and what fate decides for us. The movie is about good food and how a meal can make a difference. This is a movie that teaches us about the true purpose of our life. How we can make an difference to the lives of others positively. Towards the climax of the film it was difficult to stay dry-eyed. Such a meaningful story that makes us realize that there are so many less fortunate people around us and we can actually do something for them in our own way. Performances above par and superb music.

Dulquer Salman is awesome as always and so is the female lead. Oh yes, this movie also makes you feel hungry as they have delicious looking good staring at us from the screen! The making of Kareem's biryani is the highlight. This is a feel good movie that leaves you with a smile on your face and an urge in your heart to do something worthwhile in life. It makes you realize how blessed you really are! I got a lump in my throat thinking how we need more good people in this world to feed the hungry.
A beautiful emotionally charged movie. I am glad I watched this one just on a whim.

Please watch this unassuming but amazing and let me know what you felt about it. Don't give up on this one, it may seem a bit slow initially but it catches up and keeps us engaged. This is a film with a heart.

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