Thursday 19 August 2021

The ABC Murders

 Book Review -The ABC Murders

Author-Agatha Christie
I was bowled over by this book! It is difficult to put this one down as we have an urge to know who the killer is. Everything is so mysterious and we start working out in our minds to find the culprit, thinking we are smart enough to guess. Easier said than done. Even at the fag end we think we have the killer and then we are left dumbstruck.
Agatha Christie does it once again with her brilliant story telling. This mystery is about a serial killer, who is seen to be a maniac who kills for the thrill out gives him. He starts with killing a lady whose name begins with the letter A and she also resides in a place that begins with the letter A. An anonymous letter tells us that this is the first among the series is murders that are about to follow, in alphabetical order.
This brings about a state of panic all around. What is the murderer trying to achieve when he is proclaiming in advance about the murders he is about to commit? Mrs Ascher in Andover, Betty Bernard in Bexhill, Sir Michael Clarke in long will this list get? Is the murderer successful in completing all the 26 murders and after which must is he actually caught forms the crux of the engaging story.
Hercule Poirot along with his trusted aid, Captain Hastings are a force to reckon with and they are successful in cracking this strange case. The story is well narrated but it is not as impactful as some of the other mysteries. I read this after a superb thriller, 'And then there were None' so maybe it heightened my expectations.
It is always a joy to read when it is raining outside. Reading and raining are a good match!

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