Tuesday 31 January 2012

Women Cannot Drive

Women Cannot Drive

I do not agree with this but that's what a majority of people believe , not because they have experienced a bad woman driver at some time or the other but because it is the way women drivers are stereotyped.

At some point or the other in life we have stereotyped someone,a group or community.The motion films we watch too, have a great role in forming stereotypes.The wicked step-mother,the cruel mother-in-law,the drunk Peter or Tony.........the list goes on.

We often judge people even before we really know them well enough.When we stereotype someone we assume in advance their action,aptitude or their behaviour.We decide how they are or how they will react.

Stereotyping blinds us to the true worth of people.For instance not all women are bad drivers. I have so many of my female friends who are just at ease behind the wheel as they are in their kitchens.Not all Christians are drunks and nor is it a true that all mothers -in -law are cruel.

Mankind is progressing rapidly.What was thought to be impossible years ago is a possibility now.We have to believe in the potential of each and every individual and never underestimate what another can do.What is true for one or a few may or may not be true for the rest so why make judgements?

So, the next time you pass any random remark about someone make sure that the mask of stereotyping  is not affecting your judgement in any way.Do not go by hearsay,find out for yourself with an open mind. 

In fact, if there is someone who has said to you "I don't think you can do it," just turn behind and say to him/her,"Just watch me!" and prove them wrong.

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