Saturday 28 January 2012

Being a Mom.........

It was eighteen years ago that it happened.I was given the tag of being Shreya's Amma,and that is how it has remained since.That day onward began my experiences as a young first-time mother.Slowly, but surely, I handled all the challenges that came with child-rearing-nappy rashes,colic,toddler tantrums,intense hunger pangs,potty training, vaccinations.......and so on.Though challenging it was something that changed my life and made me more patient and made me appreciate my parents role in my life in a much better way.We learn so much more about our parents and their hardships when we become parents ourselves.When we are kids we tend to find fault with so many things they do but when we are parents we understand the thought behind their actions.

More challenges came my way in the form of school admissions,study habits,exam fever,fever of the other kind,temper tantrums,appreciating her good and reprimanding her for misdeeds,juggling time schedules to match Shreya's karate class,athletics,dance class,drawing class........and the like.I braved all of those too with much help from my better half.. We have enjoyed her little moments of joy and have been with her in her hard times like her friend crisis,homework blues,exam tensions etc. The journey so far has not been all smooth sailing.There have been awful as well as awesome days.There have been times when there was bickering,back-answering,lying ,infatuations and the like.

Now after she has become an adult I am sure there will be so many more challenges that will come my way.This is when I can expect her to demand a two-wheeler,time out with her friends,more pocket money,new clothes,more freedom,infatuation,boy friends..........the list can go on.She is on top of the world as she says that now she can vote,donate blood,drive a car and watch adult movies!

After all these years, just looking at my daughter makes me proud to see how well she has grown.She may not be bringing the best of marks on her result sheet but I know that she is focused on what she has to do in life. She knows the value of money and does not make too many demands.She is kind-hearted and conscientious.I am glad she has learnt to speak out her mind and think for herself without going with herd mentality.Though I do not consider myself to be a good cook, she does not not agree and always eats the food I make with relish.The way she says,"Wow!Mummy ,this tastes so good!Nobody can make this better than you." lifts my spirits like nothing else could.When we taught her to speak out her mind we did not realise that it may back-fire on us as she does not accept anything without being well-convinced and at times makes us realise that we too can be at fault,being parents does not mean that we are always right.

My little karate champ is growing fast and I am enjoying all her small and big achievements.She has made my life so much more meaningful.On her eighteenth birthday I remember that little Shreya who brought a smile on my lips and am glad that even today she is full of wit and humour and fills my life with untold joy.As she goes through life's challenges I hope she takes the right path and  gains more confidence with each passing day.I hope she sees each failure as a lesson and learns something from all her experiences.

As her mom I wish her the very best in life.I want to tell her that life is not about what cards you are dealt but about how well you play your cards.I know that I cannot expect her to have a life sans any strife and challenges so I will wish for her to become a stronger person who accepts the challenges and moves ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Good one Sunit-aaka, indeed Shreya is the proud daughter of proud parents!

    Keep writing!
