Wednesday 26 January 2022

Our Beloved Summer

 This series 'Our Beloved Summer' has my heart. The lead pair share amazing chemistry and the story line is really interesting and unpredictable. This is not just about the lead pair, we also get to see the involvement of the others around them with respect to the bond they share. Their family and friends and the circumstances leading to where they stand at present play an important role in the way the story progresses.

To tell you the truth, in the beginning I thought that this is probably an over hyped series and just wanted to watch a few episodes and find out whether it is really that great. I was pleasantly surprised as this series is full of heart. They have shown so many emotions and the viewer is kept guessing as to what happens next.
We feel for the characters and want to root for them. The lead pair and the others have shown controlled acting and there is no way they can be faulted. The houses shown, the lanes, the offices and the other locations are all so apt that we get totally involved in the story and feel we are a part of it.
Another exceptional thing about this series are the amazing songs and the background music. I just cannot have enough of The Christmas Tree song V of BTS. What a soulful rendition of the song! I keep listening to it and it has such a romantic feel to it that it makes my heart flutter. All the other songs are also good but it is a pity that the lyrics of the Korean songs are not written in the subtitles so it is not possible to understand or feel the emotions they portray.
This series is promoted as a romantic comedy and it stars Choi Woo-shik, Kim Da-mi, Kim Sung-Choel and Ron Jeong-eui. This series is about a documentary shot of two high school students and it follows their life when they grow older too to find how they have changed. They are a lot of make ups and break ups and also love and heart break among the characters. It is interesting to see the characters develop as the episodes move forward. I have got addicted to this series. It has 16 episodes in all and after watching it I am already missing these two lovers. I am glad it had a 'Happy Ever After' ending to this series. Choi Woo-shik (Choi Ung) is simply adorable and we just can't stop loving him. Even Kim D-Mi (Kook Yeong-Soo) does an excellent job as a realistic PR expert who is fiercely independent and does not allow her feelings to be seen by others. Kim Sung-Choel as Kim Ji-Ung also steals the show with his amazing and effortless acting skills. He is the silent admirer of Kook Yeong-Soo and he loves her but cannot show it as his best friend loves her too. Thankfully, he too gets his romantic partner towards the end.
Do watch this beautiful romantic series that will bring a smile on your face and also make you cry with them. Some really amazing moments captured in the episodes. Do listen to the Christmas Tree song by V from BTS. This series is a must watch as it has some really emotional and romantic scenes. We wish we had such a romance in our lives watching it.

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