Monday 30 March 2020

Notes to Myself

Book Review 
Title: Notes to Myself, My struggle to become a person
Author- Hugh Prather
Genre: Self help 

 I was at my sister's place for the weekend recently and I came across this book among her huge collection of books. The title caught my attention and I started reading this just to see what it was all about.It is rarely that I read self help books . Since my stay was a short one I came back home with that book and the lockdown this March due to the COVID19  pandemic  gave me enough time to read this little book

This book does justice to  the saying in Hindi- Chhota packet, badaa dhamakaa.
It means it is small in size but is truly explosive.Really, this book was just apt for this period of lockdown. It is said, when you cannot go outside, go inside.I did just that. This book helps us introspect and try to find answers to questions that are universal. The questions that we keep asking asking at different situations in life. 

Life keeps hurling curve balls at us and at times we are clueless about how to react, if we do react we keep thinking whether we did the right thing or we were wrong to react like that. Over thinking is something we all have become masters at. This book  helps us get a new perspective to all the challenges we have faced, are facing or will be facing. It tells us in a matter of fact manner about things, relationships, attitudes and about life on the whole.

Thankfully there are no lengthy sermons or preachy stories,but simple observations about life as it . Each one who reads the book can relate to some or most of the situations  in the book.It is a book about the emotions we feel and it is a reassurance that its all right to feel like that. The narrative is crisp and in an easy to understand language. Interestingly, all the pages are not fully written or filled in. There are vacant places in most of the pages that make the reading easy on the eyes and mind too. Actually relaxes us in a way, cant say how! The book is like a reminder for us to look inside and see where we stand in this journey called life. It gives us an opportunity to look at our emotions, reactions and gather a sense of understanding of some kind.It makes us introspect and learn whether we are walking on the right track.It clears some doubts about why we think or react like the way we do at times. It tells us that each one of us are basically having similar struggles and they can be overcome.

This is a nice read if you really want to be one with your emotions and gain a better understanding of yourself. Of course , it is not a book that will solve all your problems, but is js an exploration of self.

There were some lovely lines in the book that stayed with me and I would love to share them with you. 

Don't we all!

Being your true self is never easy.

What we desire is not the same as what we get in life.

We want others to accept us as we are, but at the same time we cannot accept others with their flaws.

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