Friday 15 November 2013

Why Women Talk Too Much

Wish you knew the answer to that?Well ,I do!!!

Two women were imprisoned in a cell for six long years and when they had served their sentence they were set free.As they bid their good-byes to each other they were overheard saying, "There is so much we have not shared with each other ,let's catch up some time again soon."

A husband is reading the newspaper and the phone rings.the wife picks it up and talks to the other person on the line for half an hour.When she ends the call her husband asks,'Who was it on the line?' The wife replies,"No one we know.It was a wrong number."

There are so many jokes doing the rounds that tell us about the yakkity-yak or the amount of non-stop chatter women do.Be it any topic like clothes , food, shopping ,children,television serials,mother-in laws, husbands ,neighbours ..... women are said to be experts at talking on them like there is no tomorrow.

I do not talk too much (Really!) and so am amazed at the amount women talk.As a frequent traveller in local trains I have witnessed this very often.They sit and make themselves comfortable and then all the women,be it young or old, start talking on various topics.Even at the workplace they wait for a chance to get together and chat.Bus-stops,malls,road-side,temples,parties,weddings.....they can talk anywhere and everywhere!

Why is it that women talk so much or too much???
Or is it that men talk lesser? If so,why???

I got my answer to this when we had a doctor visiting our school for a workshop on the care of our vocal chords.She was basically a voice specialist and came to enlighten us about how to take care of our vocal chords.As teachers,we make the maximum use of our voices during the teaching/learning process so she was there to make sure that we take care of our voice boxes and vocal chords.I am sure many husbands would like to mention that their wives(or should I say bitter halves, according to them, that is) too talk too much so they should also take the same precautions.

Moving on, she explained that each one of us has got vocal chords that vibrate at a certain speed .The vocal chords of women vibrate 225 times a minute while that of males vibrate for 160 times a minute!!!She,the doctor who knew best,explained that it was but natural for women to talk more as their vocal chords vibrated more times per minute as compared to that of men.This bit of information had us all in splits.In the teaching profession women are always in a majority so we all applauded that bit of news.Seriously,our vocal chords are so designed that we speak more than the male species???

I explained about this bit of information (about the vibrations of the vocal chords) at home to the man of the house and my daughter.Each one had their own theory as to why the vocal chords vibrated as much as they did.(I guess this is what happens when you have intellectuals at home who have a view point of their own for everything.)
Theory number one-
My daughter,a psychology student who is going to be twenty in a few months,is of the opinion that a woman is structured to talk more because she has the male species as her audience most of the time.Women have to repeat what they have said at least four times so they have to speak more as compared to men.
This is why....
When women speak the first time the men fail to listen (They are either reading the newspaper,watching sports or share market news on the telly or doing anything else,but listening)
When women repeat what they have said the second time,the men fail to understand as obviously they have not been really listening carefully.
When women repeat it for the third time the men oppose and disagree with whatever has been said so the women have to repeat it for the fourth time!!!
Theory number two-
My husband feels that as women are the ones who give birth and are the nurturers, they are the ones in close contact with the new-born infants who have to be taught many things by repetition.Toddlers have to be taught things again and again so we women are structured to talk more.Another theory he thought made sense was that women have sharper and shriller voices as compared to the huskier and full-throat male voices hence the difference in the number of vibrations in the vocal chords.
(No prizes for guessing which theory I feel was more apt,my daughter's or my husbands)

Moving on......So now all the men and women like me who wonder why women talk too much please be informed that it was meant to be so by the wonders of nature.Women are the ones with the gift of the gab!!!So stop complaining and take their chatter in your stride.As even if you want to you cannot fight against nature.

More power to women!!!

Only wish they knew what to say,how to say and when,but then very few have mastered that art,even amongst  the men.

Sadly,we all have learnt to talk but have not really learnt how,what and when to talk.We do not know when to give our vocal chords the much needed rest.

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