Thursday 29 August 2013

Har Ek (Saccha) Friend Jaroori Hota Hai

Life is full of challenges.What makes the journey of life more travellable(Yes,I know there is no such word) are the people who we meet on this journey called life.We meet all sorts of people at work and during our various tours and there are some who leave a lasting impression on us.There are some others who make our life miserable yet we realise that even they were part of our growth as they gave us lessons to learn and taught us that life is not a bed of roses,we have to deal with the thorns if we want to enjoy the roses.

Our family and extended family members cannot be chosen but our friends are chosen by us.Right from our childhood days we begin the process of making friends(our chaddi-buddies) and slowly as life progresses we realise that sometimes those old buddies friends are there but only as a reminder of our past.Each one moves forward in life and even if we don't want to we find ourselves drawn away due to distance,work priorities and other issues.As we move further in life we add on to our number of friends and at times we lose our old friends in the melee of life.

Frankly speaking,I did not have very close friends in my school as I was more of an introvert .I connected with my school friends through Facebook recently and we had a reunion.I will always regret missing on that special friendship with a school mate as I have seen some people having lasting friendship with their school mates for many years.I made some some very special friends in my building during my childhood days and I am in touch with a few of them even now though the interaction is limited only to chats on Facebook or Whatssapp and the feeds about them that I get through these social sites.It has been donkeys years since we last met as all are spread in different places around the world. Really wish we could all meet up and re-live those days of past glory, of our childhood days.

Even now I do not make friends too easily but I try my best to hold on to all my old friends and keep the friendship strong.I have seen that there are many who keep in touch with their so-called friends only for personal gains.I had a friend at my B.Ed training and we were quite close and we promised to keep in touch even after the two years of training.After that there were many occasions where I made an effort to keep in touch by calling up and planning to meet but I was not getting the needed response from that side.As usual ,thinking this to be due to work commitments and other priorities I neglected it. Slowly but surely I realised that whenever that 'friend' of mine had some personal favour to ask he called me up whereas otherwise he was totally inaccessible.In fact when he called me up the last time he asked me whether I knew the head of a particular college and when I said I did't , he said that I should have contacts with people as they can be of help when we need them.I said point blank that I don't keep in touch with people for deriving favours from them as I maintain relations called friendships and not contacts.I realized that though I considered him to be a friend, for him I was just another contact who would dole him out of problematic situations.
Guess whose name has been deleted from my cells' contact list after that???

Friendships are precious for me.Friends are for sharing our joys ,sorrows,secrets,fears and what have you. Friends make the journey of life worthwhile and make our travails more bearable.I believe that if there is a willingness, even with all the drudgeries and commitments in life we can and should make time to meet our friends.Even if distance makes meeting physically impossible, there should be an attempt to remain close together in each others hearts.I have a few very dear friends of mine who have slowly drifted apart and I am struggling to get them together again as I know that they are an important part of my life.I realise that they are busy with their lives but I really hope that they find time to re-ignite our friendship before the last spark of our friendship flickers off.At present I am doing my best to meet up with my friends and strengthen old ties and I hope I am successful.

After all,"Har Ek Friend Jaroori Hota hai!"

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