Saturday 3 November 2012

Even in 2012.............

Just read a post on twitter by Farhan Akhtar,the Bagwati guy from ZNMD. It went like this;
The fact that, even in 2012 the waste from train toilets falls directly onto the tracks is shameful!
No reason this should continue…

Made me think about so many other things that are happening all around the country  and the world that really makes me wonder why such things occur even in 2012.
Change is the only thing that is constant in this world , yet there are so many things that have not changed for the better.

It saddens  me to see that even in 2012;
  • A high court judge in Karnataka tells a wife who has filed a case against her physically abusive husband that she should adjust and keep the marriage going as her husband is earning well and can look after her well.Al these things keep happening in marriages.So what if he beats her now and then ,he has the right to do that as he looks after her.
  • Women are looked at as objects of lust and desire.
  • There are so many cases of female infanticide and foeticide.Preference is given for a male child.
  • If rapes occur the onus is on the victim for luring the perpetrator due to improper dress or being in the wrong place at the wrong time.She is made to feel responsible for her rape.
  • There was a fatwa against females wearing jeans in some parts of north India and they were told to refrain from wearing jeans or they would have to bear the consequences.
  • A political leader (a female one at that) gave the verdict that girls should not be allowed to use mobile phones or mix with the opposite sex as it corrupts their minds.
  • An ex-minister supported the Khap Panchayat saying that the marriageable age of girls should be reduced to 16 so that the number of rape cases in that particular state could be reduced.
  • There are rarely any hygienic toilets for females to relieve themselves at railway stations,bus-stands and on highways.
  • There are people who laugh at those who dare to dream,.
  • A single woman is looked at with disdain if she chooses to remain single all her life.There are accusations about her character.
  • In spite of all the accidents that take place due to drinking and driving ,men and women continue to drink under the influence of alcohol and make the roads hell on earth.
  • Little girls are raped  by their own near and dear ones and the rapists go scot-free while the victims bear the pain for a lifetime.
  • There are dowry deaths and acid attacks on women.
  • People dump so much of waste into the rivers,seas and oceans.
  • People continue to burst crackers for Diwali ,marriages and other functions for the thrill and excitement they think they bring when really all they bring is noise pollution,sound pollution and environmental pollution.
  • People use religion/caste as  their favourite weapon to gain extra votes and remain in power.
  • There are so many little kids who are malnourished.
  • The population of the country is increasing by leaps and bounds in spite of all the propaganda about a small family.
  • Electricity and water,the basic necessities of life have not reached so many villages in the interiors of our country.
  • Even after the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan was introduced with much fanfare in so many states ,there are so many little kids who have not got access to basic Primary and Secondary education.
  • There are so many violent incidents that are triggered by religion/language/caste/class/colour differences all around the world.
  • Even after so many lessons that our past has taught us about the ill-effects of war, we have not learnt to live together in peace as one human race.
  • Man has learnt to handle and control all the latest gadgets but has not learnt to have control over his desires and emotions.
  • In spite of all the documentaries and research findings,man tends to ignore the dangerous outcome of Global warming.We fail to watch our carbon footprints and fail in being environment friendly.
All this makes me wonder.......
Will things ever change???

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