Thursday 18 October 2012

Life Sans Regrets.

'Live life with no regrets'
Easier said than done!

If we look back at how our life has shaped ,we will come across many such instances where we think  about how we would have done things differently.

How I wish I had taken up that job.....
How I wish I had told her about my feelings.......
I should not have said that to him........
I should not have taken such a hasty decision.........
Wish I had spent more time with my kids.....
I wish I had done more for my parents..........

The list goes on ...........
What we fail to realize is that those decisions,those actions were all ours but they were taken at a different time zone and under different conditions .

Life has no rewind button and nor does it have a fast-forward button.Nor does life come with undo/delete button.What has happened is done and gone but what we can do is learn from our mistakes.

Instead of regretting them we need to gain from them.To err is human after all.Mistakes are a way of life.They are not the end of your existence.You can make amends (if you can) and move forward with renewed vigour.

Look at the present and live it to the fullest.Try your best to live life in a manner that you will have no regrets in future but there is no guarantee that it is possible.Life, after all is uncertain but keep that chin up and accept the gift that TODAY offers.

Yesterday is History,
Tomorrow is a Mystery,
Today is a Gift so it is called the PRESENT.
Use it well!

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