Saturday 22 August 2020

Ship of Theseus

Movie Review
Film- Ship of Theseus
Director - Anand Gandhi
Genre- Drama

Watched this critically acclaimed movie Ship of Theseus and was stupefied. What a beautiful way to weave together three stories! Do understand that this is not an entertainer as such but a movie that keeps you thinking. Simple facts of life put forth in a way that veers towards the philosophical.
An excellent movie according to me. 

Inspired by the Theseus Paradox , which is helpfully provided at the start of the film, Ship of Theseus tells three stories one after another. There is  a wealth of thought-provoking little nuggets scattered in the conversations that make up the film. It is a slow paced but thought provoking film. You cannot be untouched by the emotions the stories portray.

The first stars a blind photographer. The hero of the second story is a Jain monk. The last story is about a young man whose profession is intimately tied to meeting someone called Yamamoto and watching the movement of stocks on his laptop. The three characters have one trait in common — they've all had or need an organ transplant. 

Aaliya, the photographer, discovers sight when her corneas are replaced. Instead of making her a better photographer, being able to see overwhelms her and she's unable to focus on a subject. Maitreya, the monk, campaigns fiercely against the pharmaceutical industry's cruel practices of animal testing and then discovers he needs a liver transplant. Without it, he will die, but the transplant would mean taking medicines made by the companies he's attacked. Navin, who just can't get a meeting with Yamagoto, chances upon an organ trafficking racket when he realises he may have been given an illegally-procured kidney.

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