Wednesday 29 April 2020

Miracle in Cell Number 7

Movie Review
Film- Miracle in Cell Number 7/  Yedinci Kogustaki Mucize (Turkish)
Director -Mehmet Ada Oztekin
Genre- Drama

Miracle in Cell Number 7 is a Turkish film that is a remake of a South Korean film of 2013 by the same name.This film was so sensational that it was remade in Indonesia and Philippines.A Kannada version of the same film is also available.

This film is a tragic and heart wrenching and uplifting tale of a father and daughter that makes us weep.It is a beautiful story of Ova (Nisa Sofiya Aksongur) and her mentally challenged father Memo ( Aras Bulut Iynemli) The film shows the beautiful bond shared by their small family that also includes Ova's great-grandmother. Ova's mother is deceased. There are some touching scenes between memo and his grnadmother too. Memo goes to great lengths to make his daughter happy, so when she yearns to own a Heidi backpack he promises to buy it for her.Unfortunately before he buys it, it is bought by a military officer for his little daughter Seda, who also happens to be Ova's classmate.

At one point Seda and her family are at a picnic where Seda and her cousins see memo and taunt him. Seda continues teasing him about the backpack she owns and lures him behind her up the cliff. Memo tries to warn her yet she goes higher, accidentally slips and has a fatal fall. When he sees this Memo is disturbed and he is caught by Seda's family. He is forced to confess that he is responsible for her death and is imprisoned with some hardened prisoners in cell number 7.

What happens thereafter forms the crux of the film. In the beginning when the other inmates learn that Memo has killed a little girl , he is badly thrashed. such that even the doctor says it is a miracle that he is alive. Later the equation among the inmates changes.

The film runs at a steady pace and keeps us at the edge of our seats. There are many emotional moments that are beautifully captured.The bond between the father and child is well portrayed,. The film shows emotions of revenge, trust, guilt, innocence, friendship and love in a captivating manner. We can't help feeling empathy for Memo and Ova. It is a real tear-jerker of a movie that makes us take notice of the ruthlessness of a man bent on revenge and also a man intent on repenting for his grave misdeed.

Does Memo prove his innocence or is he hanged?
 What makes the cell inmates change their view about Memo?
Do Ova and memo re-unite?

This is a gem of a movie that should not be missed.

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