Monday 7 April 2014

हजारों ख्वाहिशें ऐसी......

 Life is full of ups and downs...its a roller-coaster ride.We have the roses with the thorns....etc.We know all this but yet life life goes on and what keeps us going is the hope that somewhere during this lifetime we are going to get what we desire.Each and everyone of us has some aspirations ,some desires that we want to be fulfilled....some are practical and some downright absurd but that does not keep us from hoping and wishing they may come true.

There are so many things we long for or crave.....some may be as simple as a few hours free time or a short nap each day or maybe a world tour or a meeting with our current filmy heart-throb.I am guilty of having quite a few ख्वाहिशें or desires of my own which I hold dear to my heart.My desires are un-ending and once one is fulfilled a couple of new desires promptly take their place.My know-all husband calls me अतृप्त आत्मा or the soul that is never satisfied.I do not find anything wrong in having these desires as long as I am not obsessed with them.These desires give me an aim to keep going and then make me inspired and encouraged to try and achieve them.As long as our desires are not proving to be an obstacle in our life (or that of others)and ,in fact, providing us the momentum to carry on with our lives with added zeal and fervour,I think these desires are desirable.

You may be wondering what all these desires that I have are so let me tell you that I just want to live life to the fullest and do what I love to do.I want to watch movies,travel to more places(here and abroad),have a healthy and happy future for my family,have a diamond ring,buy a new high-end DSLR camera,learn new skills,read more books ,meet Salman Khan ,buy more shoes, bags and clothes , bring a smile on others' faces, have the courage to speak my mind and do what is the right thing to do, eat good food, keep myself fit and healthy, be with people I love and away from people I detest, be better at whatever I do....and the list goes on.I am not ashamed to let you know about my desires as I know that these are not hampering my growth as a person and nor am I obsessive about achieving them.I will definitely work towards fulfilling these but if I don't,its absolutely fine and it won't be the end of the world for me.

I don't think there is anyone out there who does not desire or wish for something in life.Without them life may seem goal-less and like a ship without the oars sailing aimlessly as our desires ,our aspirations give direction to our life.As desires are not only the material things we wish and long for but also include the life we want to achieve,the person we want to grow into.So I would definitely say it is alright to have your very own हजारों ख्वाहिशें ऐसी long as you are not obsessive about them.Also remember that all your desires are never going to be fulfilled so be prepared to accept that.

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