Wednesday 15 August 2012


The lights dim and the whole audience stands up just as the screen displays a message requesting the audience to stand up for the National Anthem. The National Anthem is played and simultaneously a film clipping is shown which shows the Indian Jawans bearing great hardships at the borders of India to protect our nation.There is complete silence in the auditorium and I can hear my voice breaking through their silence as I sing the National Anthem loudly and clearly .At the end of the film clip I have goosebumps and tears sting my eyes.

The Tricolour fills my heart with untold pride for my country.I am filled with ecstasy to see the Tricolour unfurled each year.I truly believe that India and Indians have great potential and are no less than the other countries.The problem lies in belief ,dedication and execution.In fact ,we,Indians always underestimate our worth and feel that we cannot ever be as progressive as the other nations.We ridicule the government policies and their working but conveniently take a planned holiday when it is time to vote our representatives in the government.We want to enjoy all our rights but fail to account for our duties towards our country.

Indians ,as a whole, give undue importance to anything 'foreign'.We look at foreigners with awe,especially those who are white-skinned.Indians who have done exemplary work are appreciated for their work in other countries but their work does not get the same appreciation and recognition it deserves in their own country.
We tend to ape the west and eagerly follow the western trends like partying ,night-outs,clubbing,western dress styles,drinking,consuming  drugs,live-in relationships,dating etc. We do all this and declare this as a sure sign of progressiveness while we conveniently tend to ignore other issues.Why don't we stop littering,spitting and defecating in public places like them???We glorify the foreign countries for being oh-so-clean and do not litter or spit when we go there but when we come back to India we have no qualms about throwing the empty packet of chips out of the car,spitting on the roadside,relieving ourselves near the park,bursting crackers in the streets or throwing garlands in the river or sea.

Why,this change of attitude???Is it because of our 'India mein yeh sab chalta hai' attitude???Who is responsible if India is becoming more filthy? The answer is me,you,WE!

Can't we keep our surroundings clean like responsible citizens?We have been taught about cleanliness from the time we were in Kindergarten  but we have long forgotten those lessons.It is high time we remember that those lessons were for life and it is never too late to begin even now.

We consider ourselves to less worthy than the other countries though we can be as good,or may be better than the other countries if only we believed so.

I watched a programme on NDTV that shows a celebrity visiting the Indian Armay Jawans and interacting with them.The episode had Deepika Padukone who travelled to Jammu to meet the jawans there.It was an awe-inspiring episode that had Deepika participating in all the activities the jawans performed throughout their training and tenure.There were clippings of the jawans' families who live life without a loved member of their family with them as he is out there protecting our nation.

Infinite heartfelt gratitude is for each and every soldier I salute the Indian soldiers -the army,navy and air-force for being there for us.There they are, protecting our motherland and putting their life at stake while here we do not even feel the need to show our respect and solidarity for our nation by attending a flag-hoisting ceremony to salute the National Flag and sing the national Anthem in unison.Why don't we,as Indians sing our National Anthem loud and clear with pride in our hearts for our country???

It is time to awake and introspect. Better late than never. Let us recognize and awake the true Indian spirit .It will not be long before India truly becomes India Shining.Let us realize our worth and then everyone else too will.Instead of cribbing,take action.Work for India's progress.

Hum kar sakte hain, humein karna hai, hum karenge!!!
Because if not now,WHEN???
If not here ,WHERE???
If not you,WHO???

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