Sunday 19 August 2012

Chak De India!

Just watched a re-run of the movie 'Chak De India' on television yesterday.This movie never ceases to amaze me.It is wonderful to see how a coach manages to bring together a young women's hockey team to play for India even as there are distinctions in the team based on the states the members belong to.In the beginning he sees that each one is bent on focussing on the state they belong to and the coach ,in his own unique way, teaches them that in unity alone lies true power.This is done when a bunch of lecherous boys try to act fresh with one of their members.That is enough to get them all together and bash the living daylights out off the boys.

There were many a special moments in the flick which has made it an endearing one.There is the mega moment when the coach tells them to introduce themselves and when they do so by highlighting the state they belong to, he makes them do the introduction once again introducing themselves as Indians.The one that is one of my favourites was when the women's hockey team plays against the men's hockey team and is appreciated for its performance in spite of losing for their sheer grit and determination.One was when the coach sees a Briton hoisting the Indian Tricolour at the game venue before the big match..Another one that was super was when one member rejects the proposal of her cricketer boyfriend to discover herself and her game.The camaraderie among the team members is noteworthy and it showcases how a team compartmentalized by states , religion, language or caste can never win while a team that is united can beat all odds.What a lesson for us!

This movie was a blockbuster and everyone raved about it.How I wish everyone watched this and learnt the big lesson in it for all of us!This movie teaches us that unity is indeed strength.If you have not yet watched this superb movie I recommend you do so.This is one of my favourite 'Mera Bharat Mahaan' wala feeling type of  movie like Swades and Rang De Basanti .

India is passing through trying times.Each day we read  and hear abut the violence and hatred incited by religious,caste,state and language differences.It saddens me  to see our own people fighting with people from other states like sworn enemies.It is this disharmony that will be the hurdle in India's progress.No nation can prosper when its people are not bound together by unity.

In fact ,I would go a step further and say that unity is needed amongst all the countries of the world .Mahatma Gandhi has rightly said,The world will live in peace only when the individuals composing it make up their minds to do so'.So,are we ever going to make up our minds to be united???

Thursday 16 August 2012

Be a Sport!!!!

The London Olympic Games drew to an end and there were accolades galore for all the medallists who made India proud with their haul of 6 medals at the games.To some it may seem- What is the fuss all about???It was only six medals won by a country of 1.2 billion,so what!
There is much more to the wins than that meets the eye.

These medals were not an easy win to say the least.I agree even the participants from other countries have put in their best efforts to win but there is a huge difference.Sports in India has always been given step-motherly treatment.Right from the school days,young children are weaned into believing that it is marks they score in academics alone that will take them far so they are not to take sports seriously.Even if the child is exceptional and does well at sports,he does not get the support he should to pursue it diligently.Lack of resources from the government or sponsors and the need to earn makes it impossible for him to continue with his dream to excel at the sport he is good at.At times even when this hurdle is crossed there is the red-tapism and political clout which works against him moving up further towards his goal.Compare that with the support the government gives the sports persons in other countries and you will know the difference.

In spite of all the hardships after conquering all obstacles the winners  have done their country proud and hence the medallists'feats are highly commendable.What's more awe-inspiring is that most of these medallists were from the interior villages of India which live in poverty and lack even the basic amenities of life.It is not that we lack the talent as that is in abundance but we need to tap this talent,nurture it and hone it for future success.For that the government,financial companies,corporates etc. should willingly come forward to provide assistance to groom the sports persons.Proper training and resources can make a world of difference.

'Catch them young' should be the motto.For that the parents and teachers have to take initiative and groom the child from a tender age.The schools must make it compulsory for all students to pursue at least two games and master them.Parents should recognise the importance of sports and games for children.They should be allowed to choose the games they want to play and master them.The exceptional ones should get the desired coaching and sponsorship to pursue their game and compete at all levels.The media should give sports and sports persons the desired coverage so that people take interest in it.

If we give sports the importance it deserves,the day will not be far when India too will come back with many medals and be a country to reckon with.Sports is much more than cricket,cricket and more cricket.Even our national sport -Hockey is going through a terrible phase now.At this Olympic they were at their lowest low as they did not win any of the matches it played.What a shame!

Let us hope that sports is given due importance and the government ,policy-makers ,sports academies,corporates,media,schools parents and society at large collectively come together to make the required change.We have the talent we need ,what we need now is the push for sports in the right direction.

So,are we ready to do that???
C'mon ,be a sport and do your bit to propagate sports in your own little way.

Wednesday 15 August 2012


The lights dim and the whole audience stands up just as the screen displays a message requesting the audience to stand up for the National Anthem. The National Anthem is played and simultaneously a film clipping is shown which shows the Indian Jawans bearing great hardships at the borders of India to protect our nation.There is complete silence in the auditorium and I can hear my voice breaking through their silence as I sing the National Anthem loudly and clearly .At the end of the film clip I have goosebumps and tears sting my eyes.

The Tricolour fills my heart with untold pride for my country.I am filled with ecstasy to see the Tricolour unfurled each year.I truly believe that India and Indians have great potential and are no less than the other countries.The problem lies in belief ,dedication and execution.In fact ,we,Indians always underestimate our worth and feel that we cannot ever be as progressive as the other nations.We ridicule the government policies and their working but conveniently take a planned holiday when it is time to vote our representatives in the government.We want to enjoy all our rights but fail to account for our duties towards our country.

Indians ,as a whole, give undue importance to anything 'foreign'.We look at foreigners with awe,especially those who are white-skinned.Indians who have done exemplary work are appreciated for their work in other countries but their work does not get the same appreciation and recognition it deserves in their own country.
We tend to ape the west and eagerly follow the western trends like partying ,night-outs,clubbing,western dress styles,drinking,consuming  drugs,live-in relationships,dating etc. We do all this and declare this as a sure sign of progressiveness while we conveniently tend to ignore other issues.Why don't we stop littering,spitting and defecating in public places like them???We glorify the foreign countries for being oh-so-clean and do not litter or spit when we go there but when we come back to India we have no qualms about throwing the empty packet of chips out of the car,spitting on the roadside,relieving ourselves near the park,bursting crackers in the streets or throwing garlands in the river or sea.

Why,this change of attitude???Is it because of our 'India mein yeh sab chalta hai' attitude???Who is responsible if India is becoming more filthy? The answer is me,you,WE!

Can't we keep our surroundings clean like responsible citizens?We have been taught about cleanliness from the time we were in Kindergarten  but we have long forgotten those lessons.It is high time we remember that those lessons were for life and it is never too late to begin even now.

We consider ourselves to less worthy than the other countries though we can be as good,or may be better than the other countries if only we believed so.

I watched a programme on NDTV that shows a celebrity visiting the Indian Armay Jawans and interacting with them.The episode had Deepika Padukone who travelled to Jammu to meet the jawans there.It was an awe-inspiring episode that had Deepika participating in all the activities the jawans performed throughout their training and tenure.There were clippings of the jawans' families who live life without a loved member of their family with them as he is out there protecting our nation.

Infinite heartfelt gratitude is for each and every soldier I salute the Indian soldiers -the army,navy and air-force for being there for us.There they are, protecting our motherland and putting their life at stake while here we do not even feel the need to show our respect and solidarity for our nation by attending a flag-hoisting ceremony to salute the National Flag and sing the national Anthem in unison.Why don't we,as Indians sing our National Anthem loud and clear with pride in our hearts for our country???

It is time to awake and introspect. Better late than never. Let us recognize and awake the true Indian spirit .It will not be long before India truly becomes India Shining.Let us realize our worth and then everyone else too will.Instead of cribbing,take action.Work for India's progress.

Hum kar sakte hain, humein karna hai, hum karenge!!!
Because if not now,WHEN???
If not here ,WHERE???
If not you,WHO???

Friday 10 August 2012

No Pressure, Only Pleasure,Please!!!

"How I wish I was a kid again!"

This is what we think many a times as adults.We remember those carefree days when we spent our childhood playing with friends,watching the few channels on television,eating 'ghar ka khana',time out with school friends,the rare movie in the one screen theatres and having a burden - free life .

Is this the same with today's kids????Not by a long shot!

The children of today are a burdened lot.Conclusive research has found that there are thousands of school-going children committing suicide these days.What is it that is driving these little kids to take away their lives at this tender age?

The answer is, sadly, we adults.It is the adults in society and their perception of success that leads the little ones to frustration and  lives cut short.The tender minds cannot bear the pressures they face in their life and they give up on themselves and put an end to their lives.

We,as adults think that our kids should be the very best at what they do.They should score the maximum marks,shoot the maximum goals,score the maximum points at each and every competition they participate in and be the BEST or better than the best.We label children by the marks they score.If he/she is not scoring good marks they are not worthy.We see their marks as their worth and also assume that the one who scores better is going to be more successful in life and the rest are not going to make anything of their life.

As adults,we are trying to increase the Intelligence Quotient (I.Q) of the children and not even thinking about their Emotional Quotient(E.Q)We teach them how to learn all the formulae,the tables,the answers to the questions in lessons,how to excel in sports,music,dance but we do not teach them how to accept failure,how to value and respect others,how to handle stressful situations and how to behave like responsible persons in society and be the messengers of change for the betterment of society.We instil in their minds that as long as you get great marks in the exams , you are good and if you don't do that , you are unworthy.What's more,the parents treat the marks their kids score as a prestige issue.They highlight their kids scores and successes to one and all and bask in their kids laurels.

We,as well-meaning adults, should realize that kids are ours to love and care.They are not to be treated as trophies that we need to display to the world.Each child is different and needs to grow at his/her speed ,as per his/her ability.Less marks does not mean less capable or less worthy.Let us stop assuming that only those who score more marks or only those who score enough to be engineers or doctors are worthy while the rest who opt for other streams are not .Just as much as we need engineers ,doctors and IAS officers,we need bank clerks,journalists,mechanics,writers,anchors,teachers,artists and the like.What is important is that a child should be happy with the field he/she chooses.

Even as school-going children the kid is under tremendous pressure to excel in studies and the extra-curricular activities.To ensure that he/she does that the parents enrol them for different coaching classes so the poor kid jumps from one class to another and has his day overloaded.Many times he/she has no time to play with his/her friends as he/she would love to.We should allow our children to enjoy their childhood as we did.I agree there is a lot of stress to perform and excel but it is we are putting this pressure on them and we can change it by learning to understand their individuality and capabilities.

As well-meaning adults,it is high time we worked on improving their EQ along with their I.Q.Teach them to respect themselves and those around them Teach them good values that will hold them in good stead in future.Teach them that is OK to lose at times and there are many more opportunities that will come their world.teach them how to handle stressful situations by being more organised.and disciplined.Teach them that you love them irrespective of the marks they score and the laurels they win or don't win.Most importantly,teach them that they are extremely important to you and try to make them good humans first before trying to make them good at scoring the highest marks.

What we need for the children today is more pleasure and lesser pressure.Let them do things they enjoy.Allow them to pursue a game or hobby of their choice.If they are scoring less,help them to do the best they can without comparing their results with another,let them better their own level.according to their capacities.

Most,importantly,let the children enjoy their childhood.They are not asking too much,are they????

Gopal Kaala or 'Bring in the Moolah???'

It is the same each year.The Gokulashtami celebrations are becoming more commercial and it really makes me wonder whether this is the true spirit of celebrations.

Gopal Kaala or Gokulashtami is celebrated as Lord Krishna was born on this day.It has been the tradition to  form human pyramids and break the Dahi Handi tied up on a high rope.I have witnessed this festival being celebrated since the days of my childhood.During those days groups from different localities staying close-by used to come and break the handis put up in the near-by housing societies and complexes.They broke these amidst the cheers of the neighbours and the people splashed water on them as they did so.After the task was done they collected the few notes tied to the rope,removed the fruits and vegetables tied on the rope and distributed it among themselves as prasad. At some places it was organised on a huge scale but the fervour was the same.People enjoyed the festival and there was no commercialization of the festival.

The scenario now is completely a changed one.The festival has become so commercialized that it is difficult to see the real spirit of the festival in it.The Govinda Mandals'Govindas are like professionals which move around in T-shirts printed with the Mandals logos.They move around the city and beyond in hired trucks,buses,tempos ,cars and two wheelers.There is a lot ,and I mean LOT of money involved.There are prizes announced for the Govindas making the highest pyramids.The rewards go up to more than lakhs and the Govindas go all out to bring in the moolah for their respective Mandals.The beginning of the festivities begin months in advance when the Govindas practice their pyramids like professionals and there are banners and posters all over the city declaring that this Janmashtami mnadal so and so has the largest prize amount declared or so and so Mandal is the 'World Famous Mandal' which has its fans all over the world.These banners and posters besides defacing the city also is a tool they use to declare their supremacy-the supremacy of one Mandal ,politician or political party over the other.Each and every politician joins the bandwagon to show their clout.The youngsters enjoy the reward money and are treated to much more than just food by the politicians for supporting their Govinda Mandal.

Where is the spirit of reverence,unity and tradition in these festivities???
It is just one Mandal against the other.
Are we even thinking about the golden words of Krishna who taught us to do good deeds without the anticipation of the fruits it yielded?When breaking the Dahi-handis aren't the Govindas aspiring to win the most amount at stake?

In fact when I witnessed the live telecast of the celebrations in Mumbai and Thane on television,it was disgusting to see that there were many dance presentations of Bollywood item songs and the crowds were going berserk watching the dancing ladies.To my surprise,there were numerous occasions when the Govindas were making their eight or seven levels of pyramids without even attempting to break the Dahi-Handis!!!After making the desired levels they were given the prize amount.So,is the celebration just about making the pyramids and raking in the moolah??

In this race for making the highest pyramids there are hundreds injured and some times there are fatal accidents too.The next days news announced that there were about 250 Govindas severely injured and two were dead in the festivities.Seeing the Govindas moving around recklessly on the roads on the two-wheelers and sitting atop the buses and trucks I am sure there were many accidents taking place as they travelled  too.As they pass each other these Govindas pass lewd comments and jeer each other.Loud music blares from the music system and it is not always devotional songs that are played.

These Govinda Mandals are mostly sponsored by political parties and they go all out to please with the maximum money as prizes.They provide the T-shirts,food and beverages,music facilities and the transport for the Govindas.It is a win-win situation for the politicians as they are getting all the attention by putting in money which is not rightly theirs.So it is the peoples money that is being used for this extravaganza.All the prize amount,the money spent on the invitation of film stars and singers,the money spent on the stages,transport,advertisements and the like could have been used in more constructive ways.

Don't get me wrong.I am not against the celebration of festivals but it is the commercialization of festivals that I plead against.I am against groups going out to win with large amounts of prize-money as making maximum money can never be in the true festival spirit.Let us celebrate the festivals with the reverence they deserve instead of making it a big opportunity to win money.

We celebrated the festival in my school with little boys dressed as Gopis and girls dressed as Radhas.We  had a small dahi-handi which was broken by the kids after forming a small pyramid.There was a film show on Krishna shown and the children sang devotional songs.The teachers explained about the importance of the day and the values propagated by lord Krishna.

Janmashtami is much more than winning huge amounts of cash and goodies.It is about remembering the values Krishna upheld.It is about different housing societies coming together to celebrate the festival with joy without the money aspect involved.The Dahi-handis should be broken but only to enjoy the dahi in it and to distribute the prasad.The pyramids need not be high and there is no need to create or break  records.There should be less of money show and more of festive glow.That,according to me, is the festival that would be in the true spirit of Janmashtami.

What do you think???