Friday 3 October 2014

Mirror,Mirror,on the Wall........

Is it fair?
All over the world people are being influenced by the colour of one's skin.This is more evident in India where there is such a fascination for the fair(gora)look that people go to great lengths to make themselves fairer.This has been taken advantage of by the corporate sector which has come up with innumerable creams,lotions and soaps to make one 'fair and lovely'.So,as the majority of Indians perceive it,fair is equivalent to beautiful or superior while dark is ugly or inferior.Being dark-skinned myself I have often faced various taunts about my dark skin tone and have seen many occasions where people with fairer skin are shown preference or have berated others for being dark.
I thought it was a known fact that the skin tone was a result of the amount of melanin present in one's skin but then I guess most people are ignorant about the truth so they behave as they do.In the process the companies which have come up with the fantastic idea of fairness products are making a lot of money.Good for them!Sadly,the disparity on the basis of colour has led to many people with self esteem issues,if they have not learnt from their near and dear ones from the beginning that colour has nothing to do with ones personality or ability.
So,to make myself clearer to some morons who do not know why the colour of persons skin differ,I am copy-pasting verbatim a part from Wikipedia about the Human Skin Colour.It says:
Human skin color ranges in variety from the darkest brown to the lightest pinkish-white hues. Human skin pigmentation is the result of natural selection. Skin pigmentation in human beings evolved primarily to regulate the amount of ultraviolet radiation penetrating the skin, controlling its biochemical effects.
The actual skin color of different humans is affected by many substances, although the single most important substance is the pigment melanin. Melanin is produced within the skin in cells called melanocytes and it is the main determinant of the skin color of darker-skinned humans. The skin color of people with light skin is determined mainly by the bluish-white connective tissue under the dermis and by the haemoglobin circulating in the veins of the dermis. The red color underlying the skin becomes more visible, especially in the face, when, as consequence of physical exercise or the stimulation of the nervous system (anger,fear), arterioles dilate.

There is a direct correlation between the geographic distribution of UV radiation (UVR) and the distribution of indigenous skin pigmentation around the world. Areas that receive higher amounts of UVR, generally located closer to the equator, tend to have darker-skinned populations. Areas that are far from the tropics and closer to the poles have lower concentration of UVR, which is reflected in lighter-skinned populations.
When a whole lot of heroes and heroines from Bollywood films are joining the bandwagon and promoting fairness creams and lotions there are a few like Kangana Ranaut and Nandita Das who are doing their bit to stop the discrimination based on skin colour.Their efforts need to be applauded and it is time for people,especially Indians ,to realize that it is what's inside that really counts.Ability,strength of character,virtues alone make a person what he/she is and not his/her skin colour so we should stop judging others based on their skin tone.As film artists that so many thousands idolize and imitate,it is necessary for the likes of Shahrukh Khan,John Abraham,Asin,Deepika Padukone and others to act more responsibly and refrain from being a part of this fair is beautiful campaign.The advertising fraternity needs to be more responsible before it brings down the self esteem of so many who rate themselves according to their skin colour.They too have a moral responsibility towards the aam janta which is easily lured by these adverts.
Black is beautiful and so is white.Why differentiate ???
It is time we are more comfortable in our own skin colour.Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.Your attitude,ability,character and virtues say a lot more about you than your colour so work on improving them.

A kick in the rear to all the film stars who promote fairness products........
And a kiss to those who believe that beauty is more than one's skin colour.

And my last word on this topic.......(at least for now!)